If you’ve noticed your cat urinating at a much more frequent rate and with less regard to the appropriate places to do its business, (i.e. outside or in its litter tray) then your cat may have a urinary health issue. Even if you haven’t noticed anything unusual with your cat’s toilet habits, it’s always worth checking with your vet as health issues aren’t always immediately visible on the outside.
ROYAL CANIN® Urinary Care in Gravy is specifically tailored to help maintain a healthy balance of minerals within your cat’s urine. ROYAL CANIN® Urinary Care in Gravy also helps support your cat’s urinary tract for healthy liver function maintenance. ROYAL CANIN® Urinary Care in Gravy provides the added hydration your cat may need through natural wetness. Remember, your cat should always have access to fresh, clean water at all times. What’s more, the low fat content per pouch will help with maintaining your cat’s ideal weight. We know urinary problems are more frequent in overweight cats, so helping your cat maintain its ideal body weight will also contribute to keeping its urinary system healthy.
12 x 85g