Carefully crafted & nutritionally balanced complete dry dog food for the health and wellbeing of small breed adult dogs from 6 months to 10 years with an adult weight of 10 kg and under that enjoy a grain free diet.
This specially formulated grain free dry dog food is a crunchy meal that has been carefully crafted without cereals, for dogs that enjoy a recipe made without grains. This turkey dog food kibble is specifically designed to meet the special dietary and energy needs of small dogs. The complete hypoallergenic dog food, with a satisfying crunch, has a balanced amount of functional fibres for a settled tummy & digestive system and cranberry extract which we believe can support urinary health.
With omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which helps to give a glossy, healthy coat, maintaining peak condition. The grain free dog food also includes green tea, with anti bacterial properties, to help support good dental health. With prebiotic and natural chicory inulin to maintain a healthy, happy gut flora and also includes yucca extract for less smelly poos.